Ethical Trading
Ethical Trading Policy Statement
Toner Graphics Ltd seeks to ensure that it only purchases goods that are produced and delivered under conditions that do not involve the abuse or exploitation of anyone and that those goods, services or products provided do not have a significant adverse effect on the environment.
Embedded in the Toner Graphics Ltd is the consideration of the company’s trading responsibility in respect of the Environment and this forms part of the Toner Graphics Ltd Policy.
This Trading Policy is to:
Ensure that Toner Graphics Ltd business endeavours as conducted for all of its business activities are within the scope of the Ethical Trading Initiative base-code.
Codes of Conduct:
Toner Graphics Ltd acknowledges the right of all employed labour to enjoy the following standards:
Promote good labour standards forming part of ethical supply chains for goods and services.
Raise awareness of fair and ethical trading amongst Toner Graphics staff, clients, suppliers, sub- contractors, business partners.
Establish and continue to maintain the Company’s credibility as a purchaser of fair trading practices and ethically traded goods and services.
Ensure that the company conforms to all of the requirements of current legislation where applicable to the services provided by Toner Graphics Ltd.
• Freely chosen employment
• The right to collective bargaining
• Safe, hygienic and suitable working conditions
• No child labour
• Appropriate living wage
• Not subjected to excessive working hours
• No discrimination
• Regular employment
• Humane treatment in all respects
Toner Graphics Ltd seeks the following environmental standards:
That a supplier’s performance standards are important and although a matter solely for the supplier should address the following as a very minimum:
• Energy Conservation
• Toner Graphics Ltd seeks the following business integrity standards:
• Meet all legislative requirements
• Toner Graphics Ltd will, in partnership with its suppliers, implement this code of conduct as a shared responsibility.
• Toner Graphics Ltd principles for operating this code will be:
• A duty to undertake an audit & verification of the Code of Conduct
• A supplier’s principles for operating this code will be:
• Create and maintain a clear Statement of Compliance